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Common OD FAQs

How do I secure buy-in?

Getting your peers on-board with a new initiative can be difficult. Getting those against the initiative is even more challenging. Our tools help you ID obstacles and secure commitment from key players.

What should I do before kicking off a new initiative?

The first few steps you take are often the most critical. Effective groundwork can help overcome resistance and pave the way for success. Let our checklists and tools help you ID potential pitfalls and levers to ensure you've covered the bases before you start.

What typically derails a project?

Projects derail because resources run out, needs change, or expectations aren't sufficiently managed. Resources and needs may be out of your control, but expectation management isn't. It's not rocket science, but it is critical; let our tools help you head problems off at the pass.

What matters more: love or money?

Motivating employees is a core issues organizations deal with. Both "love" and "money" have been empirically shown to drive performance...but it depends on the task. Connect with one of our consultants for a customized assessment.

How do I improve my team's effectiveness?

Research shows team effectiveness is driven by four factors: (1) planning, (2) spin-up/spin-down, (3) execution, and (4) teammate cohesion. Connect with us to see how the science of teamwork applies to your context.

How do I take advantage of big data?

Big data is all the rage now, and chances are you're being asked to do something about it. The first question you should ask is not how much data you have, but how good that data is. Connect with us to transform the zeros and ones into actionable insights.

How do we get our team to ask better questions?

Two things matter to driving effective questioning: (1) knowing it's acceptable to "push back" and (2) feeling supported to ask probing questions. This is both a culture issue and a personal-preferences factor. We provide tools and insights to develop better techniques for your team.

How do I build a business case for a new initiative?

The 'why' of the change is more important than the 'what'; yet, we often see organizations focus more on the latter. When change in minds and attitudes is necessary at all levels, building a business case is critical. Our tools and workshops can help you navigate common pitfalls and craft a story to garner upward and downward support.

Are good leaders born or made?

In the research literature, this has been explored for years. It turns out, the answer is a "little bit of both." We can help you ID some of the factors of both that you might need in your situation.

Should we abandon performance appraisals?

Few things bring more ire to employees and exasperation to organizations than the performance review process. Organizations have fluctuated between embracing and abandoning, moving back and forth between fads. Let us help you separate the wheat from the chaff and point you in the right direction, based on your needs.

How should I handle employee conflicts?

Even in the best organizations, conflict will arise. Conflict can arise around the task performed, interpersonal differences, or both. Conflict isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but does need to be addressed properly. Connect to check out our tools.

I have to deliver bad news. Should I use an excuse or a justification?

Things may not always go as planned, and bad news may have to be delivered. Excuses ("we weren't able to...") lead to better reactions than justifications ("we shouldn't have had to..."). Connect with us to work through the details.

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