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We explore timely issues and pose incisive questions, coupling the best of science with our experience as consultants. Much like TED Talks, our keynotes are presented to large audiences, and designed to be engaging, inspiring, and thought provoking.
Sample Keynote Presentations
Connect for keynotes customized to your audience.
The Dark Side of Personality
Are certain people predisposed to dishonesty? Should you be hiring extroverts?
Does Fairness Matter?
Nothing is ever perfectly fair; but does that matter at work? Can perceived slights turn employees rogue?
Love vs. Money?
What matters more for effective job performance, love or money? Do carrot and stick programs work?
Politics in Your Organization
Do you know what you don't know? Are promotions REALLY driven by merit?
Ability vs. Drive
Should you be hiring based on ability or on drive? Can a surplus of one make up for a deficit in the other?
Does Teamwork Matter?
A team of all-stars does not an all-star team make. Where do you begin?
The Future of HR
What will HR do for the organization? What new technologies will drive innovative OD?
Nature vs. work?
Are people driven by "internal" forces? Or, are we all a product of our environments?
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